Monday, April 30, 2012

Just Keep Danskin, Just Keep Danskin


 I have papers to write, resumes that need editing and sending out, summer jobs to find, emails to respond to, and scholarships to apply for… the list goes on forever, and it will never end. I will be perpetually grasping my to-do list, crossing off one for every three added. Nothing is ever complete or finished. This planet keeps spinning and life keeps moving even when I need it to stop the most.

               On April 11th I swear I felt a pause. And as I re-read the words trying to make sense of them “…it’s never easy to lose a friend” …as one life here, on this spinning mass ended, mine changed forever.

Losing Stirling has opened my eyes, has slowed my time, and has changed my mind about everything I was certain of. During the hours and days and weeks that followed I was born again; suddenly more desperate than ever before to impact the lives of others in a powerful and positive way.

Stirling changed lives in a powerful and positive way whether he knew it or not, whether he wanted to or not. It wasn’t something he could control. His grin contagious, his kindness and friendliness infectious; everyone who met him, even just once, couldn’t help but be moved.

For the rest of my life, every time I reach out with kindness to someone I do not know …it is Stirling reaching through me.

Every time I offer a huge smile to someone who needs it, it is Stirling’s huge goofy smile shining.

And on May 12th, when I am dancing with all my best friends letting the music move me… I know that Stirling will be right there with us, dancing too. Free from papers, jobs, resumes, and scholarships. Free to just smile and dance.

 Thanks to Kenny for editing  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Get ready for APRIL GHOULS 2!!!

April Ghouls 2 is less than a week away!!!
To help pump you up, and just in case you missed em, check out all the pictures from our most recent event @ Toad's Place in CT. Pictures of our events can always be found at DRK Productions, Gerard Media, and PLURity Photography.

Getting excited to see all you creatures of the night as AG2 creeps up on us! Let's say goodbye to the winter (or lack there of) and kick into April with a ghoulish night of monstrous bass!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

THIS SATURDAY! March 10th! If it ain't Tight, it ain't right!

"There’s a revolution coming, and you don’t need to go to Syria to see it happen. It’ll be shaking you up and breaking it down right here in America, and I’m not talking about Wall Street. The only thing you need to occupy is the dance floor, because there’s a RAVE-o-lution headed your way, shocking the system March 10th at the Artist Development Complex in Southbridge, Massachusetts. I know I’m looking to eight hours of the finest, fattest beats, Futurebound and Jen Mas headlining, and less dubstep than you can shake a stick at. But let’s get to the real steak ‘n’ potatoes here – what would DDR be without, well, DDR? You’re looking at two DDR machines, and three other Asian Gaming Consoles which I can only assume are also dance themed. And with a $200 tournament prize, maybe you can look in your wallet the next morning through a hungover daze and wonder “..Where in the hell did all this money come from?” instead of where it went.

As we all know, New York and New England are some boss fuckin’ places to live, and we’re thankful to Keither and Soappy for the little touch they add to the whimsical wonderland we call the northeast. The Crew is indeed Tight, bringing us sweet talent like Mike D, DJ Knowledge, DJ Parallax, Scott Brown, DJ Icey, Computer Club, and many others since 2008. And if you’re into the whole childlike sense of wonder thing, Tight Crew has you covered. I mean the themes, man. Raves reminiscent of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jungle Book, Booty and the Beats, and Space Jam will bring you back to the 90s and nostalgia aided by bouncy castles, cotton candy, rollercoasters, and maybe a little happy hardcore, if you can stand it. DRK sends their honorable props out to these fine gentlemen." -max

"Any raver who just started or who has been going to parties in New England over the past three years is sure to know of Tight Crew. They’ve held parties, big and huge all over and seem to grow at an infectious rate. Fresh into the scene a friend invites me to go to Booty and the Beats (mar. 2010) saying only that “Tight Crew” throws good parties. It didn’t take much for me to go on an adventure, so I packed my car with friends as usual and headed down to the Lazertag facility for a wild night. Being one of the lucky few hundred that were able to enter the building that night, I was immediately immersed in the carnival-like atmosphere while wading through crowds of smiling faces and funky outfits. It seems to be a Tight Crew trademark to not only host a rave party, but to transform the venue entirely into a raver paradise (huge props to the deco crew!). Beginning my third event, I had a good feel for what the rave scene was all about - or so I thought. That night it had struck me how simple it all really is, that any area could be turned into a party with great music and good vibes. I spent the night dancing away with my good friends (who have only grown to be great friends over this time), and left firmly thinking about how positive and awesome the scene can be. From then on we’ve made it to every Tight Crew party we were able to, still enjoying those playful vibes that are always present. Our experiences at Tight Crew events have directly influenced the creation and progression of DRK Productions, and we are honored to be to able to recreate those vibes which have inspired us to do so." -palmtrixx

(this event WILL sell out, so snag a few tix while you still can!)


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

dirty rave kids on twitter!

send us a tweet @lovedirtyraves

Check out SKM90 this Saturday at BASS CAKE and to help you get pumped...

... check out the mix he did to thank our 1000 facebook fans. this mix is non-stop, on the spot, tip top, so let it drop!!! thanks SKM90... see you at BASS CAKE!!

Monday, February 13, 2012



click flyer to buy tickets or click here to view event page on facebook.